Friday, August 6, 2010

Secret of the 1p Auction with free P


The Secret to1p AuctionsThe Secret to1pAuctions is out . . .

Let's face it, with 100,000,000 (that's ONE HUNDRED MILLION) members,Ebay is the undisputed King Kong of auction websites and a very popularplace indeed. Why would someone want to fight the search engine wars if theycould just tap into some of that traffic instead?

Some Basics

It's common knowledge that one of the measures of your status on Ebay isfeedback. With that many members, a lot of the newer ones are looking forcheap items just so they can build feedback. So the expert sellers are ofcourse glad to oblige them. If they sell enough items, they go on to becomePower Sellers which gives them even more recognition (and more money!!!)As a buyer, this works for you because there are no extra fees. Since thesellers are playing the game, you can be pretty sure of getting good feedbackfrom them. The fact remains, to make any real money on Ebay you need tobecome a seller yourself.

For a seller to list an item for a penny, Ebay only allow you to sell one at atime. The minimum price for a Multi-Item Auction is 99p and peoplesearching for the lowest price will never see it.As a volume seller, listing items with a minimum listing fee of15p andselling them for a penny doesn't sound too smart, does it? Even if they get100% feedback they would still be losing150 for every 1,000 items sold.Expensive feedback!Consider An Ebay Store

As a reward for setting up an Ebay Store, Ebay lets you list items for 30 days(instead of 7) and automatically renew them for only 2p an item permonth. The only problem with that is, they don't show up in the normal searchresults so it's hard to get people to notice them.(SHHHHH . . .Here comes the secret)

The Secret to 1p Auctions


Pre-Approved Buyers ONLYEbay allows links on your auction listing as long as the target is another Ebaypage. So you list your item as a normal 7 day 'Buy It Now' auction and requirebuyers to be pre-approved. When they click a button to request it, theyactually get forwarded to your store where you have a thousand of the sameitem in your inventory at the lower listing fee. The 'Buy It Now' item never getssold, so it continues to drive traffic to your store for the whole week!Of course, that's not the only item you have for sale there, is it?

Running an Ebay Store with Resell Products is so popular for one reason only

. . . It Makes Easy Money. All you need to do is get enough buyers to visit. Iffor some reason you still don't want to own an Ebay store, I'll show you laterhow to make money from this Report by giving it to those who might.This will still lose money, won't it?

Unfortunately you're right, you will lose every time one of those penny itemsgoes out the door. But isn't the feedback worth it? (I didn't think so)

So, what's the answer?

Really it's quite simple, make sure this Special Report is the item you sell for apenny. Those who want to make money will see the potential and want to sellthe same Report in their own Ebay Store. (You can try an Ebay Store free for30 days!) However, they probably wouldn't want it to include YOUR links,would they?.

So you offer another item in your Ebay Store that rebrands the links and sendsthe money for all the sales into YOUR PayPal account automatically. Just setup an inventory listing for the upgrade with instant payment and electronicdelivery just like the one-cent Report, then sit back and do nothing but watchthe cash register RING!

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