Saturday, August 21, 2010

Recovering Your Lost Secure Digital Memory Card Images

I think all of us at some time or other can remember when we used roll film instead of Secure Digital Memory Cards, and the feeling of horror when we inadvertantly opened and saw that the roll film had not been rewound, or fully rewound back into the canister, and those images having been exposed to the light were lost forever. Even with using digital memory cards images can be lost but perhaps not forever as with roll film cameras.

Possibly, you may have accidently deleted a wanted photo from your memory card whilst it was still in your camera. Image loss can also happen if you eject your memory card from your camera before the camera has finished writing to the card. If your camera batteries are low on power and run out of charge during the cards capturing process can also result in image loss. Which ever way that your photo's or images manage to get lost, the anoyance is always the same.

But now Lexar might be able to help and ease your anger and regain or recover your photo's and images that you thought were gone forever with Image Rescue.

When a file is deleted from your memory card, the "File Allocation Table" which is the cards FAT file is only updated to indicate that cards memory where the deleted image file address was is now ready to receive a new image. A good annalogy I read once explained this very well.

Think of the FAT file as a Table Of Contents of a book. If you delete a chapter from the Table Of Contents, it is not the same as actually completely removing the pages from the book itself. Like a Table Of Contents, the FAT file is where your memory card keeps a record of all the files on the card and where they are located.

Most corruption to memory card data happens to the FAT file and not to your photo's or images, isn't that good news.

If a card becomes unreadable because the FAT file has become corrupted you may think that you have lost your photo and image data, but your images are likely to be still there in their location on the memory card's chip. You are only resetting the cards FAT file even when you reformat your card. So it is extreemly likely that your photo's and images are still on the card even if you accidently reformat the card.

Do you want to recover and rescue those photo's and images? Well here is the key. The key is to remove your memory card from your camera before you shoot any more images on that card. If you were to shoot more images then your camera might overwrite the new image on top of an image that you wanted to recover, should that happen it would make the image unrecoverable.

Lexar's Image Rescue software was designed to help to recover lost images, it works with with any memory card. The software analyzes your cards memory locations and determines the location of your photo and image data. As soon as Image Rescue has identified the photo and image data it then start work to reassemble your images which it will then insert them into a reserved folder on your computer.

You will see a simple an intuitive screen after you have inserted your memory card into your card reader and launched the Image Rescue software. To recover your images just click on the "Image Recovery" button, from the drop down menu choose your card and click the "Recover Images". Isn't that simle! Image and photo recovery is not guaranteed but it does give you a very reasonable chance to find those lost images.

Image Rescue has a number of useful actions and other features. One of which allows you to securely reformat your memory card which not only resets the FAT table but erases all the data in the cards memory.

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