Saturday, August 21, 2010

The New Royal Mail Pricing August 21st 2006

As many of you are probably aware the way that postage is calculated will be changing on 21st August 2006. At the moment this will only apply to postage within the UK. The price of postage will no longer just be calculated based on the weight of the letter or parcel but will now be based on the weight, dimensions and thickness of the item. This sounds complicated but is not really.

There will be 3 types of postage item - a letter, a large letter and a packet. A letter has to weigh below 100g be less than 5mm thick and smaller than 240 x 165mm. A large letter needs to weigh below 750g, be less than 25mm thick and measure less than 353 x 250mm. A Parcel is anything either heavier than 750g or larger than the large letter dimensions. Within the letter size there is just one postage price. Within the other sizes there are different postage rates determined by weight. All prices are also split into first class and second class as usual. Most of our items will fit into the category of packet and that is likely to be the case for most eBay items I would guess. From looking at the prices it seems that our prices will be changing slightly and mostly increasing by a small amount especially for the lighter / smaller items. However, this will depend on how many items are purchased and their sizes and weights.

The prices are as follows:

Everyone should get a template through their letterbox so that they can measure their post to find out which category it fits into. There will also be plastic templates at post offices (my local one already has them). You may notice from the table that second class is now increasing up to 1kg rather than being limited to 750g.

Airmail, Surface mail, International Signed For, Airsure, Special Delivery and Parcel post are not affected by the changes and their prices will remain the same.

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